Swap out beauty’s traditional packaging for a more eco-conscious, sustainable approach
Beauty as an industry can become really unsustainable really fast. A combination between the packaging of the products, the production cycles and the consumer habits makes it one of the most polluting industries if not handled with care.
That being said, one should never cast a ban on beauty as a whole, as nowadays brands seek to improve their environmental impact by changing production manners, the way they package and sell their products and even sometimes the formulas. Nonetheless, there are brands that are taking it to the next level and that is the case for Swedish brand Beauty Disrupted, that honouring their name has challenged the way traditional beauty is done in the Nordics and has found success in this new non-traditional approach to everyday self-care products.

Photo: Beauty Disrupted
Beauty Disrupted specialises in the creation of products in bar format, from shampoos to shaving cream. Born out of a desire to minimise the environmental impact of the beauty industry as a whole the brand was founded by Svante Holm and Alban Mayne, originally tech entrepreneurs, they ditched the digital industry and pivoted towards beauty.
The products that come in a reusable box are water activated and cover practically every need one would have with their main line, that includes shampoo, body bars, shaving bars and hand soaps. As well as doing away with plastic packaging the brand also devotes 20 per cent of their profits in order to support organisations and causes that work for the environment. Beauty Disrupted's conditioner bars are now available to pre-order, online and also in store at Stockholm's Nordiska Kompaniet from September 25.
Why should I use a conditioner bar?
Bars as a product offer not only convenience to the consumer but also considerably offset the environmental impact the production and usage of it has on the planet. On top of that, taking shampoo as an example, traditional formulas are anywhere from 80 to 95 percent water, according to a study performed by National Geographic, while shampoo bars don’t contain any of it, meaning that one gets more usage out of a concentrated version of the product.
While switching to these new types of presentations might not feel natural for some consumers, as we are aware that we’ve been using the liquid or foam versions of them for all of our lives, for those who are seeking to better their environmental impact and seek to find new ways to challenge societal traditions in order to reach a better, more balanced and conscious existence, this is a great way to start.
How do I use a conditioner bar?
Shampoo bars and conditioner bars are surprisingly easy to use, even when they come in such a different presentation to what we’re used to.
There are two main ways to use them; the first one consists of running the bar through your wet hair or body coating the desired surface. After that, lather as you normally would and let sit the product before rinsing or shaving. The second way inverts the order, meaning you would first lather the bar in your hands with a bit of water and then would proceed to use as you normally would with the chosen product.