Runic astrologer Randi Bjærum uses the ancient Viking practice to forecast your love, money, career, style and health every week
Divination in runes is an ancient art that can be traced back to the Norse God Odin. Old scriptures show that the Vikings then continued this tradition - they even used used rune symbols in jewellery, clothing and weapons to boost their energy.
When we're born, we all get our own rune stone (find yours here). This birth rune indicates the abilities, talents and resources that you bring into your life.
But as the universe is constantly changing, daily, weekly or monthly runic astrology can tell you how events, actions and things affect your life. It can also reveal what energies, events and changes are occurring, and how you can best act on them. A runic horoscope is a guide to your spiritual journey and a guide on how to live life to the fullest.
Fehu (29th June – 14th July)

If you weren't feeling financially fulfilled during last week's full moon, you receive unexpected income this week. After all, a little extra funds never hurt. Especially if you want to treat yourself or live beyond your means. At the same time, you may experience a rapid change in your own attitudes and opinions. Remember, you are allowed to change your mind.
Uruz (14th July – 29th July)

If you experienced good karma last week, this week, you are even more inspired to take control. New information you received or will receive soon may lead you to reevaluate your financial situation. Be aware and sensitive to other people's opinions.
Thurisaz (29th July – 13th August)

Your own needs become more important this week. You are in a great period to upgrade yourself and your image. Whether it's your clothes, hair or something else you feel is essential to adjust, the universe bestows a halo effect on you. Embrace some outer change but remember to be happy with yourself; This will strengthen your inner belief systems. Romance picks up, and a flirtation may occur in the second half of the week.
Ansuz (13th August – 29th August)

There may be surprising declarations from your partner or colleague this week. Be open-minded with what the person might say, but also proceed using common sense. It is vital to avoid crossing your own boundaries to satisfy someone else; this will be unsustainable in the long term. When meeting others, you may experience that you are finally being taken seriously, and subsequently, new emotions may arise. A flirt will boost your self-confidence.
Raidho (29th August – 13th September)

The Universe indicates you can pull back a little if you didn't get enough time for yourself last week. Spend time in meditation this week. Unconscious or forgotten dreams and ideas can come up to the surface and become conscious thoughts. Grab one of them as a starting point. After all, changes in identity are inevitable as we grow in new directions. Step into who you are becoming.
Kenaz (13th September – 28th September)

You are in that time of the year when you can withdraw with a clear conscience. In a few weeks, you will be another year older and new energies will be coming to you. Consider which road to go down. The energies will work with you on whatever path you choose.
Gebo (28th September – 13th October)

There are a lot of romantic signals in the air this week. If you are in an established relationship, you should set aside time for each other. It will strengthen cohesion and increase intimacy. Are you single and in search of a soul mate? This weekend could be a favourable time to seek them out. The universe will give you what you ask for. If you aren't sure what you want, set aside time for reflection and meditation. The answer lies within you.
Wunjo (13th October – 28th October)

If you didn't get a chance to express your views and ideas last week, you are facing new opportunities now. The chance to make a mark may come from an unexpected source. It may be related to something you are involved in at work. The universe signals that dreams can come true now, and if it's something you want, take that first step. The time is now.
Hagalaz (28th October – 13th November)

Currently, changes are happening within your surroundings. As a rule, there is something innovative and fresh about this new way forward. Accept all input and let credit go to those who deserve it. Strong emotions can arise between you and others. To diffuse the situation, try meeting with the person. If it is a new acquaintance, take time to get to know them before you make a judgement.
Nauthiz (13th November – 28th November)

If you did not receive recognition or a reward for a job you did well last week, you may obtain it now. Especially if you are due to finish something important today. You are facing guaranteed success, but be patient over the next few days. It can come like a bolt of lightning out of the blue, especially on Thursday and Friday. Be innovative.
Isa (28th November – 13th December)

Continue with your goals from last week, but be aware that your ideas can get some surprising midweek resistance. It may be time to look at them from a different angle. Be flexible. This will strengthen your position in close relationships, both privately and professionally. The more you meet others, the bigger your chance to succeed.
Jera (13th December – 28th December)

Changes going on right now indicate powerful energy from the universe. It can occur with something such as travelling abroad or someone with foreign ties. The contact may have already been established during previous weeks. You must take a stand on a certain matter. If you make decisions that have consequences for others, be open about the facts to those involved.
Eihwaz (28th December – 13th January)

Follow the visions that came to you last week. This week was made for moving outside the norms and rules. Doors are open for you that were previously closed. Share the knowledge and your experiences with others. More heads think better than one. Creativity can lead you to greatness, so think long-term.
Perthro (13th January – 28th January)

Hopefully, you made a plan last week for areas of life closest to your heart. This week, you will be fine with getting the support you need. You must shield and protect others who need it too. Show consideration to those you care about and show that you value them. Romance can happen suddenly if it is grasped, or it may disappear before it begins.
Algiz (28th January – 13th February)

Romance is picking up, and there are positive changes underway. In established relationships, you experience that you can still recreate the atmosphere and magic from before. In new ones, progress can develop faster than you once thought. Enjoy it. This week, you can come a long way in new and established relationships. Remember to bring a fresh attitude and positive values into relationships.
Sowilo (13th February – 27th February)

In the next few days, unexpected and surprising developments may occur in close relationships. Are you single? You could fall head over heels in love and start a committed one-to-three-year relationship. Are you already in a relationship? You can take it further now to a more committed one. For some, it involves cohabitation or marriage. Enjoy!
Teiwaz (27th February – 14th March)

This week will offer many pleasant surprises. You feel your energy and mood have lifted, and it is easier to start with all the small and large tasks of everyday life. Use this positive energy to indulge in heavier functions you have avoided. The more you treat yourself this week, the easier next week will be.
Berkano (14th March – 30th March)

Hopefully, you will get full credit for the measures you took concerning your everyday routines in the previous weeks. Do you still have things that need to be changed this week to get to the finish line? It applies both in everyday life and at work. Remember that in order to celebrate important milestones, you have to set aside time for yourself.
Ehwaz (30th March – 14th April)

Were you lucky to meet someone connected to the full moon last week? Hopefully, you flirted with them and embraced it. You can expect surprising developments in romance. If you didn't meet someone last week, it can happen now. If you are in a situation where you can live out your feelings, take a chance. If you aren't, it may not be worth the consequences.
Mannaz (14th April – 29th April)

When romance and flirting pick up this week, it can feel like destiny. It can develop into something stable, which will show in the next few weeks. The chemistry, physical pull and attraction may determine your choices. Surprising spillovers from existing relationships can make you see that person and what you have together more positively.
Laguz (29th April – 14th May)

If you didn't manage to get on with projects in your home that you had intended to do last week, now it's time to finish them. But the earlier, the better, as other things require your attention later in the week. The balance between work and home can be challenged due to surprises in the middle of the week. It could be someone in your close family who experiences this, and it indirectly affects you. Be patient and flexible.
Ingwaz (14th May – 29th May)

Either individually or as a whole family, you have taken measures last week to create harmony and balance at home. However, a change this week could threaten this new balance. It may be related to your home life or your professional one. Take action right away. It creates harmony in the long run, but there may be storms in the next few days.
Othala (29th May – 14th June)

Unexpected developments and positive surprises await you this week. It will most likely have something to do with important agreements, papers or a contract. It may be related to what happened last week. Or you will receive long-awaited news, and things will progress. Something you hadn't thought about for a while may come up. It requires you to make up your mind quite quickly. Take input from others.
Dagaz (14th June – 29th June)

From a social perspective, activities are picking up within your immediate area. A neighbourly relationship can be strengthened. Sparkling thoughts and ideas can come from within or be inspired by external events. A romance may take place and can develop quickly. Continue working on what you started last week.