Runic astrologer Randi Bjærum uses the ancient Viking practice to forecast your love, money, career, style and health every week
Divination in runes is an ancient art that can be traced back to the Norse God Odin. Old scriptures show that the Vikings then continued this tradition - they even used used rune symbols in jewellery, clothing and weapons to boost their energy.
When we're born, we all get our own rune stone (find yours here). This birth rune indicates the abilities, talents and resources that you bring into your life.
But as the universe is constantly changing, daily, weekly or monthly runic astrology can tell you how events, actions and things affect your life. It can also reveal what energies, events and changes are occurring, and how you can best act on them. A runic horoscope is a guide to your spiritual journey and a guide on how to live life to the fullest.
Raidho (29th August – 13th September)

Activities in your local area and among friends, siblings, and family will be more significant than usual. Some may need your help or want your company. Be generous with your time and effort, but be aware that patterns and agreements you enter into concerning relationships and contracts this week may last a long time, possibly up to six months or even become permanent. Trust your instincts.
Kenaz (13th September – 28th September)

This week's lunar eclipse may challenge your views on your values, both financial and ethical. You have strong opinions and aren't afraid to express them. Even though you know where you stand, listen to others' perspectives. However, avoid being swayed when it comes to choices in love, especially in connection with Saturday's lunar eclipse.
Gebo (28th September – 13th October)

Your values are in focus, both ethical and materialistic. When it comes to love and friendship, you might be drawn to someone with different ideas and visions than yours. Be open to what's outside your usual comfort zone, especially in connection with Saturday's lunar eclipse. If you're in an established relationship, find a balance.
Wunjo (13th October – 28th October)

You might find yourself more emotional and moody than usual in the days surrounding Saturday's lunar eclipse. You are surer of who you are, so express yourself, but take the time to listen to others. Seeing a situation from both sides strengthens your position now. Relationships you establish at this time can be long-lasting, perhaps permanent.
Hagalaz (28th October – 13th November)

Your activity level is increasing throughout the week, and you have many things going on – perhaps too many. Saturday's lunar eclipse can be emotional, and you may feel more vulnerable than usual. Protect yourself. Take time to recuperate through meditation and rest. Changes in your appearance and image made now can last a long time, perhaps permanently. Trust yourself.
Nauthiz (13th November – 28th November)

Listen to the dreams and ideas that surface this week. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something, especially in connection with Saturday's lunar eclipse and the days around it. Rational as you are, you often push such thoughts away, but now it may be a good idea to take the time to listen to your inner self. Follow your inner star.
Isa (28th November – 13th December)

The thoughts and ideas emerging from your inner self now could be the start of something new and beneficial for you in the long run. The choices you make based on them can last for a long time, possibly even permanently. New acquaintances are entering your life, some with a romantic undertone. Follow your heart.
Jera (13th December – 28th December)

New opportunities are coming your way, especially in the latter half of the week in connection with the lunar eclipse. At work or in a group, you may receive a form of recognition and acceptance. This could be related to something you've been working on for a while. An offer may present itself. Be aware that what you initiate now can last for up to six months or longer.
Eihwaz (28th December – 13th January)

Flirting and romance may arise in the context of groups or organisations you're involved with. Take the initiative. The relationships you establish now can last a long time, perhaps even permanently. If you're looking for better conditions in your current job, you are facing one of the best times of the year to negotiate for it now. Present your achievements as compelling arguments and use factual evidence.
Perthro (13th January – 28th January)

A position or something you wish to achieve can become a reality in connection with this week's lunar eclipse and the days around it. Play your cards right and trust your intuition. Whether you're seeking a new job or working for improvements in your current workplace, the universe is on your side. Take the initiative.
Algiz (28th January – 13th February)

At work or in the public sphere, you can achieve something you've been striving for in connection with this week's lunar eclipse and the days around it. Plan for the future. Perhaps you'll need to give up something in the short term to gain something in the long run. Creative impulses may result in romantic encounters if you explore in that direction. Take the chance.
Sowilo (13th February – 27th February)

Your values may be challenged in connection with Saturday's lunar eclipse and the days around it. Speak your mind, share your life philosophy, but be open to the knowledge of others. Perhaps you've grown and changed without being consciously aware of the process. Take some time for yourself, meditate, and gain new self-insight.
Teiwaz (27th February – 14th March)

Contact or collaboration you have or establish with foreign connections now may turn out to last for up to half a year or longer. Think carefully about whether it's the right choice for you before deciding. Romance is at its best in the second half of the week. What you believe in may become more important to you in the next few days, especially during Saturday's lunar eclipse and the days around it.
Berkano (14th March – 30th March)

Favourable agreements involving other people's resources, especially those of your partner, may become a reality during Saturday's lunar eclipse and the days around it. Be aware that commitments you make now can last a long time, up to half a year or more. Think long-term. When it comes to close relationships, be fair.
Ehwaz (30th March – 14th April)

It's time to review new and existing agreements you have with others. If you are dissatisfied with the terms, you should renegotiate during this week or think twice before signing. The choices you make now can last a long time. Even though it may seem like others hold the upper hand at the moment, the Universe suggests that luck may be on your side.
Mannaz (14th April – 29th April)

You may now have the need to assert yourself in relation to your surroundings. Especially regarding a potential partner, you may have a lot to say. Think carefully about what is important to you and what you can tolerate before you blurt out what's on your mind, especially in connection with Saturday's lunar eclipse and the days around it. Relationships you establish now can be long-lasting.
Laguz (29th April – 14th May)

If you are entering into a relationship, it could become serious quickly. Saturday's lunar eclipse indicates that close relationships you establish now can last a long time, up to half a year or more. Traits or things you react to now are not going to disappear but may be pushed aside in the excitement of falling in love. Evaluate the whole picture. Trust your gut feeling.
Ingwaz (14th May – 29th May)

The activity level is increasing throughout the week. With a good plan, you'll come out successfully from changes in your daily routines, whether it's at work or at home. You are facing one of the best times of the year to start new routines when it comes to health and daily life. Go for what is everlasting – yourself.
Othala (29th May – 14th June)

Now you may experience changes in your daily routines, possibly an increase in your workload due to illness, or the arrival or departure of a colleague. You are in a period where your health, daily duties, and needs are being reconsidered. Find a middle ground. The choices you make now can last a long time.
Dagaz (14th June – 29th June)

Hopefully, you're already planning new hobbies, exercise routines, or other activities. If not, you can use this week to get started. You have time until Saturday's lunar eclipse to embark on your new creative endeavors. Remember that what you start now can last a long time, possibly permanently.
Fehu (29th June – 14th July)

The next few days are the best time of the year for you to start a new sport, hobby, or initiate a romantic relationship. A flirtation might occur in a group setting, and it could feel fateful. Follow your heart because what you start now can last a long time, up to six months, or maybe even be permanent.
Uruz (14th July – 29th July)

Optimism and your activity level are on the rise as the days go by. Be mindful of yourself, your roots, your home, and your family. The concrete thoughts you've had about the path forward are starting to become clear to you. You may now have an energy and drive, both professionally and personally, that could outshine others. Finish your projects.
Thurisaz (29th July – 13th August)

Now it's crucial, both professionally and personally, to be attentive to the opinions and needs of others. Your energy is above normal, and you're eager to get started with your plans and ideas. To succeed now, it's important that you respect the boundaries and opinions of others, especially a potential partner and family. Saturday's lunar eclipse will provide you with clear signals.
Ansuz (13th August – 29th August)

Agreements that you make in the second half of the week can be beneficial for you in the long run. Contracts and deals you enter into now can last a long time, possibly up to six months, or even become permanent. Agreements with neighborus, siblings, and others in your local area can be finalised. Think strategically and be aware of what you want to achieve.