
Runic Astrology September 2nd - September 8th: What do the runes have in store for you this week?

By Randi Bjærum

Runic astrologer Randi Bjærum uses the ancient Viking practice to forecast your love, money, career, style and health every week

Divination in runes is an ancient art that can be traced back to the Norse God Odin. Old scriptures show that the Vikings then continued this tradition - they even used used rune symbols in jewellery, clothing and weapons to boost their energy.


When we're born, we all get our own rune stone (find yours here). This birth rune indicates the abilities, talents and resources that you bring into your life.

But as the universe is constantly changing, daily, weekly or monthly runic astrology can tell you how events, actions and things affect your life. It can also reveal what energies, events and changes are occurring, and how you can best act on them. A runic horoscope is a guide to your spiritual journey and a guide on how to live life to the fullest.

Raidho (29th August – 13th September)

With the New Moon in your sign, this is a powerful time for you. Journeys, both physical and metaphorical, take centre stage. Consider a short trip that might bring you new insights or inspiration. Use this week to plan or explore new paths to success. Pay attention to signs or guidance that may come to you through dreams or chance encounters.

Kenaz (13th September – 28th September)

Kenaz ignites your creative flame this week. It’s an excellent time for artistic projects or crafts. The New Moon enhances your ability to see things in a new light, which could lead to groundbreaking ideas. Keep an eye out for opportunities to learn new skills, especially those that can enhance your professional development.

Gebo (28th September – 13th October)

The New Moon encourages you to form new partnerships or strengthen existing bonds. Be prepared to face some obstacles this week, but remember that each challenge carries a lesson. A meeting towards the end of the week could prove to be highly significant for your personal growth.

Wunjo (13th October – 28th October)

Wunjo brings progress in several areas of your life this week. The New Moon promises swift developments in a matter close to your heart. Be open to unexpected happiness. A social gathering could lead to a conversation that sparks a lasting inspiration in you.

Hagalaz (28th October – 13th November)

Use the energy from Tuesday’s New Moon to reset your intentions and clarify your path forward. A challenge may turn out to be a hidden blessing, so approach it with an open mind. Hold fast to your values—they will guide you. The end of the week may bring a solution that looks different from what you first expected.

Nauthiz (13th November – 28th November)

Nauthiz emphasises the necessity of patience and endurance this week. Meet your own needs first, so you can stand stronger against challenges. The New Moon offers you a chance to reassess your current strategies—what is working, and what needs adjustment? Pay attention to small signs that might indicate when to act or step back.

Isa (28th November – 13th December)

Isa always encourages stillness and reflection to find the answers you seek. However, this week your calm may be disrupted by increased activity at work and home. Avoid hasty decisions, especially around Tuesday’s New Moon. Towards the end of the week, an insight may pave the way for future actions.

Jera (13th December – 28th December)

Jera promises a week of fertility and gradual progress. What you have sown in the past may now begin to show signs of growth. With the New Moon on Tuesday and over the next two weeks, it’s the perfect time to set new, long-term goals. Be patient—all good things take time. A conversation or event mid-week may remind you of the importance of perseverance.

Eihwaz (28th December – 13th January)

Eihwaz provides you with strength and protection. The New Moon encourages self-reflection. Find a balance between decisiveness and patience. Both are necessary to navigate this week’s tasks and challenges. Be open to advice from an unexpected source—it could prove to be very valuable.

Perthro (13th January – 28th January)

This week, Perthro is filled with mysteries and opportunities to delve deeper into the paths of destiny. The New Moon encourages you to explore new areas of interest that might reveal hidden talents. A dream or insight could offer a key to understanding an ongoing situation.

Algiz (28th January – 13th February)

Algiz surrounds you with an aura of protection this week. Use this time to strengthen your personal boundaries. The New Moon invites you to establish or renew spiritual practices that can sustain your inner strength. Be wary of situations that feel draining or unhealthy.

Sowilo (13th February – 27th February)

Sowilo brings light and vitality into your life. The New Moon might give you insight into how you can radiate your personal power in new ways. Take the initiative on projects or relationships that ignite your interests. The energy from the New Moon gives you the strength to overcome any obstacles. Be brave.

Teiwaz (27th February – 14th March)

Teiwaz strengthens your determination and sense of justice this week. You may find yourself in roles where your leadership and moral compass are crucial. The energy from the New Moon asks you to focus on your long-term goals. A personal development or victory is on the horizon. Be creative.

Berkano (14th March – 30th March)

Berkano brings a time of renewal and personal growth. This week is ideal for planting ideas that can bloom in the future. The New Moon encourages new beginnings, especially in personal relationships and domestic matters. A conversation may open the door to strengthening your bonds with others.

Ehwaz (30th March – 14th April)

Ehwaz focuses on trust and cooperation in your closest relationships. It’s a good time to strengthen alliances, both professionally and personally. The New Moon brings a new phase in a partnership, so be open to adjusting and improving how you collaborate. Be attentive and flexible in your approach.

Mannaz (14th April – 29th April)

Mannaz reminds you to cherish your connections this week. The New Moon invites deeper self-reflection on your role in the bigger picture. Contribute your unique skills and knowledge to support those around you. An understanding may be reached that enhances your social environment.

Laguz (29th April – 14th May)

Laguz encourages you to go with the flow and be in harmony with your emotions. This week, let your intuition guide your choices. The New Moon is a perfect time to cleanse emotional baggage and renew your spiritual practices. A dream or your intuition may provide important insights into your path forward.

Ingwaz (14th May – 29th May)

Ingwaz symbolises potential and the beginning of a new growth phase. This week is ideal for starting projects that require patience and time to mature. The New Moon on Tuesday and over the next two weeks may give you extra energy for everything that begins now. Set clear intentions and meditate.

Othala (29th May – 14th June)

Othala emphasises the importance of your foundation. The energy from Tuesday’s New Moon may encourage you to reassess your personal values and possessions. Protect what is important to you and consider whether it’s time to release what no longer serves a purpose. Renew yourself.

Dagaz (14th June – 29th June)

Dagaz brings a time of clarity and new beginnings. With the New Moon, this marks a powerful period for transformation and insight. Embrace the changes that come and see how they can illuminate your path. A new understanding or perspective on an important matter may reveal itself this week.

Fehu (29th June – 14th July)

In line with Fehu's energy this week, you may encounter new opportunities for material gain. Focus on managing what you have with wisdom. The New Moon in Raidho on 3rd September suggests that a journey, whether mental or physical, could open doors for you. Your ability to appreciate the value in simplicity will be your greatest asset.

Uruz (14th July – 29th July)

Uruz marks a time for physical strength and endurance. Take challenges head-on this week, knowing that your inner power is greater than you think. The New Moon brings a fresh start, offering clarity under its light. Use this insight to clear away what no longer serves you.

Thurisaz (29th July – 13th August)

The energy of Thurisaz may feel intense, so be sure to channel this power constructively. Use the New Moon in Raidho as an opportunity to meditate and find inner peace. Be cautious with your words, as they can be both weapons and tools. This period may bring a significant revelation that will guide you forward.

Ansuz (13th August – 29th August)

Your communication skills are at their peak this week. The energy from Ansuz makes your words particularly influential. Use this ability to inspire and uplift those around you. The New Moon encourages you to learn something new or embark on a spiritual journey. Be open to messages from the universe.