
“We see this a little bit as our weird wedding”: Inside Saks Potts’ It girl and easter egg heavy 10-year anniversary dinner

By Allyson Shiffman

Photo: Betty Krag

In lieu of a show this Copenhagen Fashion Week, Saks Potts opted for a 10-year anniversary dinner that also functioned as a sort of wedding between its two founders, Barbara Potts and Cathrine Saks. Marked by It girls, throwback references and a big wedding cake, it was certainly the soiree to beat so far

The union between Barbara Potts and Cathrine Saks has lasted longer than many marriages, so it was only fitting that, to celebrate 10 years of their beloved brand Saks Potts, the duo held a wedding reception in lieu of a runway show. “We are not married and we don’t have a ring, but we’ve always wanted to do a wedding between the two of us,” says Potts. “So we see this a little bit as our weird wedding.” All the hallmarks are there: a stunning venue (the Embassy of Switzerland on Hellerup, with stunning views of the water), a gourmet menu and wedding cake (the former courtesy of the evening’s chef, friend-of-brand Frederik Bille Brahe), a band (a high-energy drumming group the designers came across at another wedding) and, of course, boisterous friends and family.


A wedding is a chance for a couple to reflect on their journey, which, for Potts and Saks, began when they became best friends in kindergarten. But in lieu of embarrassing speeches, the designers opted to put easter eggs that reference memorable Saks Potts moments throughout the evening’s festivities. First, there was the venue itself, the aforementioned Embassy of Switzerland. “Switzerland has a really special place in our hearts,” says Saks. For the brand’s seventh collection, dubbed ‘Swiss’ the designers travelled with photographer Casper Sejersen and model Nadja Bender for a dreamy shoot set against the Alps.

Photo: Betty Krag

The next Saks Potts throwback came by way of a charming acrobatics display by dozens of young performers (fitting, given that the Olympics are still in full force over in Paris), which greeted guests upon arrival, a reference to the brand’s Olympic-themed spring/summer '19 show. Held at Østerbro Stadium, the show featured some 100 acrobats performing a choreographed routine and featured a cameo by Princess Olympia of Greece.

Speaking of guests, plenty of iconic Saks Potts girls and friends of the brand were seated around the circular table under the big white tent on the grass: Erin Wasson, who’s walked for the brand a number of times (and first to hit the dance floor alongside Sophia Roe), Count Nikolai and longtime muse Emma Rosenzweig, who wore the very same Swarovski-studded dress, cowboy hat and boots that she wore for the spring/summer '20 'Latina Gala' show. “The hat and the boots were here, but the dress, we sent it to Lady Gaga or some celebrity,” says Saks (it was recreated for the occasion). As for the seats themselves, they were Arne Jacobsen’s iconic 'Seven' chairs, a callback to the brand’s autumn/winter '21 show in the backyard of Jacobsen’s home. Atop each place setting, a towel animal referencing a spa collection captured at the now-shuttered Ladda spa in Paris. “Very unfortunate, because it was the most beautiful spa in Paris,” notes Potts.

Photo: Betty Krag

Photo: Betty Krag

Following dinner, out came the massive cake – reminiscent of the Instagram-friendly confection served following the brand’s fall/winter '20 show. This time, however, the cake features a massive photo of the two designers. “Quite over-the-top,” admits Saks.

The evening culminated, as most lavish weddings do, with fireworks. “I can’t believe it’s been 10 years – we’ve never done anything else,” says Saks (the designers were just 19 when they founded the brand). “In the beginning, it was very hard,” adds Potts. “If it was a bank meeting or a meeting with a lawyer, we were these two young girls…” As with all good marriages, Saks finishes the thought: “I really feel like our peak is now.”

See all the party snapshots below.