With 2025 around the corner, Vogue Scandinavia's editors are setting their resolutions and, naturally, style intentions are at the top of the list
Martina Bonnier, Editor-In-Chief
“My style resolution is to organise my bag and shoe wardrobe. It’s a mess because I travel so much, and as well, I know that bags and shoes in particular need care-taking to last. Some of my iconic old bags get too little attention at the moment!”
Allyson Shiffman, Print Editor
“Buy less, have less, hoard less. It's partially a sustainability thing, partially a lack-of-closet-space thing, partially a desire to commit more to a specific look. Good for the environment, good for my marriage, good for everyone!”
Clare McInerney, Digital Editor
“To be more savvy when it comes to the second-hand online marketplace. I'll be selling and scouring one-of-a-kind pieces on Vinted and Vestiaire with precise intention, armed with the bartering skills of a seasoned souk stallholder.”
Josefin Forsberg, Beauty & Fashion News Editor
“To scale back. I'm the definition of an outfit repeater, but I’m also very sentimental when it comes to my wardrobe. I tend to cling onto pieces I no longer wear, which is why my closet is currently flooded with clutter, so for 2025, I’m adopting a Maire Kondo mentality when it comes to fashion.”

Photo: Georgia Devey Smith
Amelie Langenskiöld, Junior Fashion Editor
“Always be fabulous. And whilst being that, daring to leave my comfort zone when it comes to layering. Skirt over trousers, dress over trousers, tank top over long sleeve shirt – you name it. Bring it on 2025!”
Rebecka Thoren, Head of Production & Executive Assistant to the Editor-In-Chief
“This year, I want to take the time to experiment more with pieces that I already have in my wardrobe, and be ruthless with the ones I don't need there – by selling any clothes that I haven’t worn during the last three years.”