Discover your weekly forecasts for love, money, career, style and more
This week starts off busy, with a full moon in Cancer happening on Monday. The full moon is the time of the month when projects you’ve been developing reach a turning point, or you may be making realisations about an area of your life you want to change. You may also feel called to release a situation or mindset that is no longer working for you. Because this full moon is in the sign of Cancer, you may be more emotionally sensitive, or you could be occupied with activities around the home or with family. You may also be reflecting on the past too, or you could be working through feelings surrounding family dynamics or your childhood.
Later on in the week, Venus meets up with Saturn in Pisces. You might be getting more serious about the relationships in your life, and you could have to put in extra effort with friends or a romantic partner to show that you care. You may be figuring out what relationships are serving you in the long term though, as well as who is deserving of your time and energy. On another note, you may want to save more money, or you’re making bigger, investment purchases. Finally, you may want to turn a creative idea into something productive.
Aries Horoscope
21 March – 19 April
Your attention will be focused on your home life this week, Aries, with the full moon in Cancer. You might be catching up with family, or you may be in the midst of moving or redecorating. However, you may also be making realisations about certain family dynamics, or you could be emotional about childhood memories. As Venus connects with Saturn, you will be enjoying time alone, and you may be taking a spiritual practice more seriously. You might be taking steps to prioritise your mental health too, or you may be tending to a solo activity.
Taurus Horoscope
20 April – 21 May
You will be absorbing new information this week, Taurus, with the full moon in Cancer. You might have numerous ideas come to you for writing or speaking work, or you may be taking a trip somewhere. In addition, you could be picking up a useful skill set or signing up for a short class. As Venus connects with Saturn, you may be taking stock of the friendships in your life. You might realise what friends are truly there for you, or you could want to make structured plans for bringing friends or a bigger community of people together.
Gemini Horoscope
22 May – 21 June
You will be reflecting on work and your personal finances this week, Gemini, with the full moon in Cancer. You may be coming full circle with work projects or opportunities you’ve been developing, or you may realise that you want to be better paid at work. You could also be spending more money than usual. As Venus connects with Saturn, you may be thinking strategically about your long term career goals or how you can bring your creativity into your work. In addition, you may want to scale back on what responsibilities you accept.
Cancer Horoscope
22 June – 22 July
You will be reflecting on what you want for yourself this week, Cancer, with the full moon in your sign. You may realise that you want to set different goals or follow new hobbies and interests. You may also receive attention and opportunities from people, or you’re developing greater self confidence. As Venus connects with Saturn, you might be travelling, or you could want to enrol in a formal course or do intensive reading or research. You could be carving out time to write too, or might be contemplating your core life beliefs.
Leo Horoscope
23 July – 22 August
You will be slowing down and making rest a priority this week, Leo, with the full moon in Cancer. You might be more emotional than usual, or you could have to let go of your control over a situation. You may also feel much more spiritual, or you’re working to better understand why you have certain feelings. As Venus connects with Saturn, you might be making bigger purchases, or you may want to put money towards savings. You may also be opening up to a close friend or a romantic partner, or you’re sharing resources with someone.
Virgo Horoscope
23 August – 23 September
You will feel support coming from a bigger network of people this week, Virgo, with the full moon in Cancer. You may have social events pop up, or you could be going out of your way to support friends. Someone you know may connect you to an opportunity too, or you’re realising what people you want to align yourself with moving forward. As Venus connects with Saturn, you may be further committing to a romantic relationship or a business partnership, or you could realise where you need to put in more effort with someone close to you.
Libra Horoscope
24 September – 23 October
You will have a lot of activity happen at work this week, Libra, with the full moon in Cancer. You may be assuming new responsibilities, or developing bigger projects. On the other hand, you could be emotional about work and realise you want to pivot in your career. As Venus connects with Saturn, you might be taking your health more seriously, and you could be sticking to regular exercise routines or eating well. You may be taking steps to restructure your schedule too, so that you have less stress and a better work-life balance.
Scorpio Horoscope
24 October – 23 November
You will be reflecting on your life beliefs this week, Scorpio, with the full moon in Cancer. You may feel more connected to your sense of spirituality, or you could be wrapping up coursework or a project related to writing or public speaking. On another note, you may be travelling and seeing more of the world. As Venus connects with Saturn, you could be turning your creative skills into something productive, or you’re finding ways to incorporate your unique point of view into your work. You may also be raising your dating standards and finding greater self confidence.
Sagittarius Horoscope
24 November – 21 December
You will be taking stock of your finances this week, Sagittarius, with the full moon in Cancer. You may be splurging on a bigger purchase, putting money towards savings, or splitting resources with someone. On another note, you may be reflecting on how you can be more emotionally open with people or improve upon certain patterns holding you back. As Venus connects with Saturn, you may be handling greater responsibilities at home, or you’re putting careful thought into decorating your space and making it feel like your own. You may also be strengthening certain family relationships.
Capricorn Horoscope
22 December – 20 January
You will be focused on the relationships in your life this week, Capricorn, with the full moon in Cancer. You may be seeing good friends or growing closer to your partner or someone you’re newly dating. On the other hand, you could be emotional about a relationship, and you may be reflecting on if you have a future with someone. As Venus connects with Saturn, you might be picking up new skills or putting your concentrated focus towards a communication based project. In addition, you might be taking a trip, attending events, or running numerous errands.
Aquarius Horoscope
21 January – 19 February
You will be busy with various work tasks and errands this week, Aquarius, with the full moon in Cancer. You might be wrapping up a project at your job, or you could be reflecting on what type of work is most meaningful to you. You may also be motivated to establish healthy habits for yourself. As Venus connects with Saturn, you may want to save money, or you could be putting your focus towards building new projects at work or even growing a business of your own. You will be looking for new avenues of income.
Pisces Horoscope
20 February – 20 March
You will be tapping into your creative side this week, Pisces, with the full moon in Cancer. You might be developing a passion project, or you could be realising what hobbies and activities bring you joy. You may also have more romantic activity happening, or you’re realising how you can go about dating differently. As Venus connects with Saturn, you may be getting more serious about your personal goals, and you could be developing greater compassion for yourself. In addition, there may be numerous responsibilities that you’re taking on in various areas of your life.
Originally published on British Vogue