How I got here
How I Got Here with Norwegian hip hop talent Musti: “Allow yourself to see the bigger picture, even when it feels impossible”
By Sophie AxonHow I got here with Ali Gallefoss: "The things I make can be quite odd, therefore stand out"
By Caroline KragerHow I Got Here with content creator Paolla da Silva: "Go out and show the world what you have"
By Sophie AxonHow I Got Here with Axel Arigato's Sanaz Parham: "I'm a firm believer in the policy of 'fake it 'til you make it'"
By Sagal MohammedDio Kurazawa: “When I started talking about responsible fashion, people were like, ‘What is sustainability?’”
By Charlotte ManningHow I Got Here with Soulland's Silas Adler: “Learn to listen to your heart and your gut"
By Charlotte Manning“Hard work pays off”: Stylist Afaf Ali shares her career tips
By Johanna LjunggrenThis is the man behind some of the world’s biggest fashion shoots
By Linnéa PesonenHow I Got Here with photographer Ikram Abdulkadir: "Don't look for validation from others"
By Sidsel BjornsethHow I Got Here with art director Fernando Torres: "Always be nice to people, maintain positivity and stay cool"
By Charlotte Manning